Document submission system with BFT properties (Master project)


EasyChair is a system to organize paper submission and pc meetings for conferences. This system has a distinct bimodal access pattern, with times when there are many users accessing the system, and longer periods where system idles. Due to its sensitive nature, it is important to offer high reliability, robustness, and confidentiality. Since BFT has reached a certain maturity when it comes to development of new algorithms, it is also important to make a case study of requirements for real applications.

Goals of the Project

The project would consist of:

  1. Make a case study of requirements for paper submission and meeting organisation systems.
  2. Add Byzantine resilience to EasyChair.

Technical Details

Responsible: Nikola Knežević (

Faculty/laboratory: IC/LPD

Programming language: C/C++

This project is still available